It’s almost time! (Part 2 ~ Homeschooling)

Today I’m going to share my second reason for deciding to homeschool Luke (& Eli). I shared last week Part 1, so if you missed it just click on over to read!
All reasons I have for choosing to homeschool flow from my desire to please God in raising my family. I’ll say it again, right now, homeschooling just fits us.
From the very beginning of having children, every time I thought about school I just couldn’t get past the fact that it starts at such a young age (age 5 or 6). I have never been able to actually see myself sending my babes off to school at the tender age of five. It honestly is a foreign concept to me! Five years old just seems too little. And now that I have a five year old, that fact is even greater! Luke is still such a little boy.
I read this quote that resonated with me,

“Parenthood is no longer lasting as long as childhood. We need to hold on to our children and help them hold on to us. We need to hold on to them until our work is done. We need to hold on, not to hold them back but so they can venture forth.” Dr. Gordon Neufeld (Developmental Psychologist)

“Our children need parents to be intimately involved, moment-by-moment, not till they are only four years old and leave home for school and possible peer dependency, but they need us to be parents until they are fourteen years and older…” Ann Voskamp (expounding on the quote above)

When I read these quotes it further confirmed what my heart was telling me. Stay home. Be with your children. Be all there (I’m continually learning how to be all here.. even while I am here). And for us that means to homeschool.
I want to live and learn with my children. I want to teach them. I want Christ woven into their studies, their projects, their meals, their chores, their relationships. I want the Hubs and I to be the most influential people in our children’s lives.
Remember, “Homeschooling is not a formula for perfection…
My job as a mother though, is to train and teach the children I’ve been given… point them to Him, show them He is everything and in all things. And as we’ve sought Him, we feel homeschooling is the best way to live that out daily.

“Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Psalms 1:1-2


  1. BeechemBrightSpots Avatar

    Hello! I found your blog on Women Living Well. We just started homeschooling last year after my son finished 5th grade & I had taught high school math for 17 years. The entire year before God taught me so many things about homeschooling & my eyes were opened to what a wonderful world it is! We are LOVING it. I read the part about YOU & your husband being their most influential people in your children's lives & I totally agree! Good luck in your journey! I definitely think it's easier to start out homeschooling than to bring your child home after 6 years of school but we're making it! Good to "meet" you! Kim (


  2. Jessica Heights Avatar

    This is very encouraging…thanks for sharing!


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